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Nevada Divorce Cases 101

On Behalf of | Apr 9, 2019 | Las Vegas Family Law

Family court has its own
procedural rules, which is why it is important to hire an attorney experienced
in the field to handle your case. The following is a simplified, bare-bones
outline of what you can expect during your divorce case:

  • Hiring an attorney: You will likely
    consult with at least one attorney before commencing your case. Depending upon
    the circumstances, many litigants also want to file at a certain time, for
    example, in cases of domestic violence. When you decide to hire a lawyer, he or
    she will have you sign a “Retainer Agreement” or a “Fee Agreement,” which is a
    contract you will sign with the attorney stating you will pay a certain amount
    for services and will outline what you can expect as far as billing goes.
  • The Initial Pleadings: After you decide to
    hire an attorney, he or she will prepare a complaint for divorce. This is a
    document that outlines your ideal outcome in the case in basic terms. After the
    complaint is filed with the court, you will receive a case number and be
    assigned to a family court Judge. After that, your attorney will have a summons
    issued, which is a document that informs the other party that you filed for
    divorce and they’ll need to answer your complaint. Finally, your attorney will
    likely request a joint preliminary injunction from the Judge, which is a
    document that is meant to prevent the other side from removing any children
    from the state and from transferring, gifting, or otherwise disposing of
    marital property.
  • If you are the one who has been served
    with a divorce complaint, your attorney will prepare an answer to the
    complaint, which states which parts of the complaint you agree with and which
    ones you do not, and a counterclaim for divorce, which will outline what you
    want out of the case.
  • You have the option of filing to remove
    that Judge from your case for a certain amount of time after filing, which is
    called a Peremptory Challenge. If you file this document, your case will be
    randomly assigned to another department. The other party would then have the
    option to remove the new Judge and get the case randomly assigned to a third
  • Service: After the complaint, summons, and
    joint preliminary injunction are finalized, they will need to be served, in
    person, to the opposing party. The person who serves the paperwork then files
    an affidavit with the court to show the Judge that the paperwork was served.
  • Temporary Orders: Your attorney may elect
    to file what is commonly known as a motion for temporary orders. This is a
    motion that requests certain relief pending the conclusion of your case. For
    example, when there are children involved, the Judge can implement a temporary
    child custody schedule and child support amount. If one spouse will need
    financial support during the case, the Judge can order temporary spousal
    support. If there is an income disparity between the parties, the lower-earning
    spouse can also request that the other party pay a portion of their attorney’s
  • In cases involving minor children, the
    Judge will likely order you and your spouse to engage in mediation before
    making temporary orders.
  • Financial Disclosure Forms: “Discovery” is
    the legal term for information-gathering during a court case. Nevada Rule of
    Civil Procedure 16.2 governs discovery in divorce cases. Within 30 days of
    service of the answer and counterclaim, both parties are required to file
    Financial Disclosure Forms. These are court-issued forms that outline a
    person’s income, expenses, property, and debts. The Judge will rely heavily on
    this form, so it is very important to take it seriously and fill it out as
    accurately as possible.
  • Disclosures: “Initial Disclosures” are
    also due within 30 days of service of the answer and counterclaim. Initial
    disclosures are documents that both parties are required to give a copy of to
    the other side (if a copy is available to that party). Rule 16.2 contains a
    list of required documents, which include tax returns, bank and credit card
    statements, insurance policies, and other financial information.
  • Discovery Requests: Rule 16.2 states that
    a party can start requesting discovery from the other party within 30 days
    after the service of the answer and counterclaim. There are several methods
    discovery that can be used to obtain information, including asking the other
    party to answer certain questions (Interrogatories), asking them to give you
    copies of certain documents (Requests for Production), and asking them to admit
    to certain things (Requests for Admissions). These methods are generally
    written in format. Depending upon the case, your attorney may also want to take
    the other party’s deposition, which means your attorney would sit, in person,
    with your spouse and his or her attorney and ask them questions in front of a
    court reporter. Your attorney may also want to depose other witnesses. Finally,
    a person can obtain discovery by sending subpoenas to different individuals and
    entities and asking them to send copies of documents.
  • Pre-Trial Preparation: Most divorce cases
    settle before trial. Many do not, however, and many settle “on courthouse
    steps,” which means they can settle just before, or sometimes even in the
    middle of, a divorce trial. If your case does not settle a certain amount of
    time before trial and one or both parties does not want to extend the trial
    date, your attorney will need to begin preparing for trial. First, your
    attorney will need to file a pre-trial memorandum, which is a document that
    tells the Judge what you want him or her to order and why. Second, your
    attorney will have to compile trial exhibits and prepare to question you, the
    other party, and any other witnesses. You and the other party will need to tell
    each other which witnesses you plan to call to trial ahead of time, so there
    should be no “surprise witnesses” involved.
  • Trial: A divorce trial is like a trial you
    would see on television, except that they are heard only by the Judge, not by a
    jury. Your attorney and the other attorney may give opening statements. The
    attorneys will then question you, your spouse, and any other witnesses on the
    stand and under oath and introduce the exhibits they believe are important to
    show the Judge. Finally, the attorneys will give closing arguments. The Judge
    can either issue a decision immediately, or, sometimes, the Judge will take everything
    into consideration and take some time to review things, then issue a written
    decision. The end of a trial presents some feeling of conclusion, but you’re
    not divorced yet.
  • Post-Trial: After trial, the Judge will
    likely tell one of the attorneys to prepare a Decree of Divorce. This document
    formalizes the Judge’s orders and must contain certain legal boilerplate.
    Often, the Judge will tell one attorney to prepare the decree, and the other
    attorney to review and sign the decree. On rare occasions, the Judge will
    prepare the decree him or herself. After the decree has been prepared and
    signed by counsel, it is submitted to the Judge. The Judge will review it and
    make sure it is correct and contains all the required information. If it does
    not, the Judge will send it back to the attorney who prepared it and ask them
    to make certain changes. If everything is correct, the Judge will sign the
    decree of divorce. After the Judge signs it, the decree of divorce is filed
    with the court. The divorce is not final until the decree has been finalized –
    signed by the Judge, with the court’s file stamp in the upper right-hand

It is obvious that
divorce cases contain many nuances and require more than just a rudimentary
knowledge of the procedural rules. An experienced family law attorney can help
you navigate these nuances and provide important strategy and planning to help
you obtain the best result possible in your case.

