As stated in a previous post, there are five things you should do before filing for divorce, there are five things you should not do before filing for divorce in Las Vegas:
1. Don’t spend like crazy. It can be tempting to go on a spending spree before filing for divorce, especially if you don’t know what your financial future will be. If the court believes you wasted community funds on the eve of a divorce, you may find yourself having to defend your purchases and reimbursing the community for them.
2. Don’t put your head in the sand. Divorce is horrible and can be a cause of great stress and fear. It is natural to want to hide, but putting your head in the sand will not make your problems go away. Pay attention to what is going on in your life, financially and otherwise. When the time comes and you have an attorney, stay in touch with your attorney and respond promptly when your attorney contacts you.
3. Don’t fall for the bait. If your spouse is thinking divorce is eminent, he or she may try to convince you that your marriage can be saved. Hopefully, your spouse is saying this because he or she has really seen the light and does want to put in the work to save your marriage Unfortunately, we have seen time and time again that it was just bait to lure you into a false sense of wellbeing. In the meantime, your spouse has time to move assets and get his or her own ducks in a row. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to save your marriage. This just means you should keep your eyes open and protect yourself while putting in the work necessary to save your marriage.
4. Don’t fall for the other bait. Domestic violence is a real problem, but it is regularly utilized as a pawn in divorces. Don’t let your spouse goad you into physically attacking him or her. Besides the fact that physical violence is not acceptable, you can find yourself with problems in family court and criminal court because of it.
5. Don’t assume that your friends’ advise is accurate or that you will have the same results that they had. Friends want to help and often have their own experience with divorce. Everyone needs a shoulder to cry on, but be careful believing what you here. Everyone’s divorce is different. The attorneys at Pecos Law Group can give you advise specific to your situation to help you get the best results for you.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at at 702-843-5142