A second opinion is meeting with an attorney, other than your current attorney, in order
to obtain a different point of view on specific issues of your divorce. Family law is an art, not a
science. The expense of a second opinion may be invaluable in the following situations:
1. If you feel uncomfortable with your current lawyer’s experience or skill, it is likely well
founded and a second opinion may offer peace of mind.
2. If your attorney is recommending that you accept or not accept an offer of settlement, a
second may help you decide whether to accept the offer of settlement or proceed to trial.
3. A second opinion may be helpful if you have serious concerns regarding a strategy that your
attorney wants to use that you do not feel comfortable with.
4. If your attorney refuses to put his or her opinions and recommendations in writing because
they want to cover his or herself, this could be a red flag that there is a lack of confidence in
what you are being told.
5. If your attorney refuses to communicate with you it may be important to obtain a second
opinion to see if you feel more comfortable with another lawyer.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at PecosLawGroup.com at 702-843-5142