The United States Supreme Court recently announced that it would decide whether same-sex couples have the constitutional right to marry. The Supreme Court had not been anxious about hearing this issue, but due to a conflict in the circuit courts they had little choice. Both sides of the issue are pleased that the Supreme Court has finally decided to consider the issue and both are hopeful of a victory.
Those opposed to same-sex marriages argue that it is up to the individual states to define marriage. Traditionally, laws involving marriages have been up to the states. Some argue that states should be permitted to define marriage as only between a man and a woman. If the Supreme Court were to adopt this position, then it would be confronted with the issue of whether a state that does not recognize same sex marriage must recognize a marriage that was performed in a state that recognizes same sex marriage. Because of the conflict it could cause between states, it appears that the Supreme Court will simply recognize the constitutional right for any two people to get married, or find that no such right exists. Further, a Supreme Court ruling against same-sex marriage could cause legal uncertainty and chaos over the marriages that have already been performed.