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Prenuptial Agreements in Las Vegas

On Behalf of | Nov 7, 2013 | Our Blog

Prenuptial Agreements


A recent article in the Wall Street Journal stated that even though only three percent of people who are married have a prenuptial agreement, the use of these planning tools have increased over the past three years.  Part of this increase is attributable to people getting married at an older age and having more money.  The article states that the frequent issue addressed in prenuptial agreements is real property.  Basically, those entering a marriage with a home, want to make sure the home stays theirs in the event of a divorce.


When you get married in Nevada without a prenuptial agreement, you are expressly consenting to be bound by the laws of Nevada upon a divorce. Almost one-half of all marriages in the United States end in divorce.  It is easier to address potential problems or issues with property before marriage rather than after marriage.  Further, prenuptial agreements do not just protect the wealthier party.  A properly drafted prenuptial agreement may provide both parties protection under Nevada law.


There are additional blogs on the website addressing more specific details of prenuptial agreements.  Bruce Shapiro, Paul Lemcke and Shann Winesett are Nevada Family Law attorneys with significant experience with all types of marital agreements.

