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Hollywood Star at Center of Sperm Donor Legislation While Nevada Revamps Its Assistive Reproduction Law

On Behalf of | Jul 23, 2013 | Our Blog

Hollywood Star at Center of Sperm Donor Legislation While Nevada Revamps Its Assistive Reproduction Law

Actor Jason Patric’s custody battle reportedly inspired California’s SB 115, a bill that will give sperm donors the ability to sue for parentage rights. Patric donated sperm to his ex-girlfriend. The story becomes murky after that with the parties disputing the level of their reconciliation and Patric’s involvement after the birth of the baby who is now three years old. Patric attempted to sue for custody rights, but the court ruled that he could not because he did not have standing as a mere sperm donor. SB 115 would allow a sperm donor to sue for parentage. If the donor proves he “receives the child into his home and openly holds out the child as his natural child,” the donor can proceed with a case and sue for custody. In Nevada, AB 421 out of the 2013 Legislative session revised law related to assisted reproductive agreements. What would happen in a case like Patric’s however, where the donor claims to have been an active parent after the birth of the child, is not clear.

