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Sufficiency of child support and alimony in Nevada

On Behalf of | Jan 10, 2013 | Our Blog

Sufficiency of child support and alimony in Nevada

The Nevada Supreme Court has never issued a published opinion finding that the district court ordered too much in child support or alimony. Every opinion addressing the matter has found that the district court failed to order enough child support or alimony.

As far as child support, most of the problems have been alleviated by the child support guidelines contained in NRS 125B.070 and NRS 125B.080. The child support formula scheme enacted by the Nevada legislature in 1987, and the case law that has followed, has alleviated many of the problems in inconsistent and inadequate child support awards. The same, however, is needed for alimony. Although there does seem to be much support for specific guidelines such as exist with child support, some type of general guidelines are needed to alleviate some the vast inconsistencies amongst judicial departments. Alimony law, as it exists in Nevada, is simply unpredictable, arbitrary and unfair.

The family court judges in Las Vegas have vastly different philosophies when it comes to alimony awards. An experienced family law attorney may have a significant influence on how much alimony is awarded in any particular case.

If you have questions regarding alimony in Las Vegas, contact the experienced family law attorneys at Pecos Law Group.

